Membership at Sons of Norway
We invite you to be a part of our lodge.
Membership in the Sons of Norway provides you with an opportunity to appreciate the heritage and culture of Norway.
First-Class Special Events
At Fjellheim, we are widely known for our first-class special events including Frokost (a buffet breakfast with over 40 authentic Norwegian dishes to choose from), Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner serving over 300, Viking Fair Bazaar and Brunch, Scandinavian Christmas Tea with each table and the lodge decorated for the occasion, and a Family Christmas Party with great food and entertainment. We have a large lodge and a kitchen capable of serving over 200 per seating.

Opportunities for Good Times
At Fjellheim, we take every opportunity to have to a good time. Our 45th Anniversary Party was a gala event with a sit-down dinner.
We meet about 10 times a year to make lefse, 250 pieces each time. We play Norwegian Bingo. We go to the Cripple Creek Melodrama or perhaps the local minor league baseball game as a group in August.
We study Norsk history and have a booth at the Scandinavian Midsummer Festival in Estes Park. In short, we do a lot of things Norwegian. We would love to have you join us.
Activites and Events
Our activities each month include a general meeting with an engaging cultural program, a large, tasty lunch and time for visiting and sharing stories.
We also have a monthly card social, a Norwegian language class, a Norwegian cooking club, rosemaling classes, luncheons and dine-outs.
For the kids, our members participate in Barneløpet (a cross-country ski race), Syttende Mai (Norway’s main national holiday), a summer picnic, and a family Christmas party.
Information to Join
Join this vibrant cultural community!
Receive the benefits of the monthly Viking Magazine. Take advantage of events and tours, and explore the culture and history of Norway.
To join online on the Sons of Norway Membership page, click here.
Contact Member Services for online assistance:
1-800-945-8851 ext 643 or fraternal@sofn.com
Effective January 1, 2018:
Individual – Annual dues: $60.00
Family – Annual dues: $95.00
Affiliate – Annual dues: $14.00
Children through age 15 are free
Special Milestone Recognition

- Tyrone L Steen Golden Member
- Carlton J Johnson
- Golden Member
- Virginia M Johnson
- Golden Member
- Elizabeth Ann Skrukrud
- William M Meagher
- Elsie M Gonsholt
- Kristine H Brindle
- 20th Year Pins
- Rory Foresman
- Rosanne M Foresman
- David O Haukom
- Nancy Marie Allen
- Sara J Berge
- Matthew Disbrow
- James Hardy
- Joshua R Lysne – Juvenile
- James R Nau
- Alyssa R Smith
- Casey Michelle House
- Debbie Lee House
- Kelly Anne House
- Owen J Mach – Juvenile
- Sydney Mach – Juvenile
- Trond Ostrem – Juvenile
Board of Directors
President Terry Mapstone 719-351-5644
Vice-President Mark Wedo 719-291-6387
Counselor Becky Tamblyn 719-271-3631
Secretary Karen Ravnaas 719-390-0621
Treasurer/Finance Terry Mapstone 719-351-5644
Membership Kathie Godsil 719-229-9289
Program Directors
Sunshine Karen Ravnaas 719-390-0621
Cultural Coordinator James Mattox 808-356-9964
Social Coordinator Kathie Godsill 719-266-9592
Support Officers
Greeters Hazen, Sonja Thomas 719-475-0429
Marshalls Leonard Beasley 719-471-1801
David Haugen 719-599-0810
Editor Kerry Hefta 719-651-3677
Web Page Susanne Arens 719-593-1449
Facebook Kerry Hefta 719-651-3677
Musician Denise Lambert 530-206-6878
Publicity Eunice Bluhm 719-351-3554
Foundation Kerry Hefta 719-651-3677
Librarian Vacant
Committees/Special Activities
Auditors John Larson 719-570-0043
Financial Benefits Kendall Kjerstad 970-978-1634 or 970-697-111
Fjellheim Management Corporation (FMC)
President Terry Mapstone 719-351-5644
Directors Newell Nesheim 720-202-3161
Karen Ravnaas 719-390-0621
Paul Wiig 719-596-6159
John Larson 719-570-0043
Max Canestorp 719-685-4583
Norman Pechacek 719-574-1938
Cynthia Pechacek 719-574-1939
Trustees Terry Mapstone 719-254-0955
Colorado Zone 8 Director
Diane Molter 303-288-6014
GRNBViking09@live.com zone8@sofn6.org
District 6 President
Lis Barca president@sofn6.org
Sons of Norway International Board
Luella Grangaard luella.grangaard@sofn6.org