President’s Message Oct 24 New Fjellheim President Terry Mapstone, left, accepting the Fjellheim presidential gavel from past four year Fjell-heim president Becky Tamblyn, right. We are well into our Fall schedule of events. We had a very successful Fish Fry on 14 Sep thanks to all the members who volunteered. 

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Ole Aleksander Filibom-bom-bom

Ole Aleksander Filibom-bom-bom is the main character in a series of children’s books by the Norwegian author Anne-Cath. Vestly, published in five books from 1953 to 1958. The books are illustrated by Vestly’s husband Johan Vestly. Ole Aleksander Filibom-bom-bom is also the title of the first of the books.

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Cultural Corner 

The cultural activity for the December Pot Luck Heritage Dinner will be us, our members! Yes that means we will all do some caroling after a satisfying meal. And maybe a few crafts! January is the annual Fjellheim officer installation which takes some time so there will be no other presentation.

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